Unleashing Potentials – Module 2

Lubna Alsharif
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Course Description

Are you ready to take your life to a new level of fulfillment and achievements? It is designed for Only those who are willing to Grow and Transform inside out. This Training is Part of The Self-Actualization Workshops in Neuro-Semantics which defines self- actualization and enable individuals and organizations to experience self-actualization. This means being your best self, being real and feeling alive and unleashing your potentials

In this Module, We are going to experience Three Phases:

Phase 1: The Construct: The Theater of Meaning and Self –actualization

  • Changing your Meaning Making Powers.
  • Quality Controlling: Levels of Meaning Making
    ** Pattern: Into the Construct (Matrix)
    ** Pattern: Meaning Enrichment Pattern
    ** Clearing up the Distortion Pattern
  • Meaningful to the core

Phase 2: The Crucible: A place for Forging Transformation

  • Maslow’s Levels of needs: Hierarchy of Needs
  • Emotions: The feel of our meaning
  • The Crucible for actualizing Potentials
    ** Constructing The Crucible
    1) Components for Transformative Crucible
    2) Using your Crucible for Transformation [ Human Dimensions to bringing into the Crucible: ego, drives, impulses, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, responsibility]

Phase3: The Zone: Actualizing Your Highest and Best

The Zone: Resourcefully at your best, present, all there and engage in a focused absorption
** Unleashing Potentials
** The Self-Actualization Optimization
** Actualizing Your Real Self
** Super –Charging your Attitude

Why you need to attend?

  • To live fully, authentically and not sell yourself or your potentials short.
  • To be true to yourself, to live congruently with integrity.
  • To experience the natural passion and motivation of a life well-lived.
  • To put an end to boredom, frustration, depression.
  • To find and experience your vision and mission —life’s everyday “peak experiences.”
  • To create meaningful organizations, rather than de-humanizing ones.
  • To create families, companies, groups, associations that are human organizations.
  • To develop problem-solving skills and get to the heart of a problem or issue quickly and efficiently and use your natural creativity to invent new and effective solutions.
  • To feel in charge of your own self and your life and not controlled by your culture.
  • To live in an emotionally intelligent way and fully alive to the human experience.


Receive your Certification Through the International Society of Neuro-Semantics***

A PREREQUISITE for receiving the SELF-ACTUALIZATION PSYCHOLOGY DIPLOMA, is NLP Practitioner Training and Meta-States Practitioner Training (APG). For receiving SELF-ACTUALIZATION PSYCHOLOGY CERTIFICATE, no PREREQUISITE is needed.For more on Neuro-Semantics:


  • 25 Hours of Intense Practice & Training
  • Course Manual in English.
  •  Your Certificate approved by the International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS).
  • Lunch & Coffee Breaks.
  • Connecting with world-class Coaches that are attending the event

لأن التغيير يبدأ من الداخل للخارج
ولأن كل إنسان بداخله قدرات لا تحصى كامنة ….
هذا التدريب مخصص لاعادة اكتشاف وصياغة المعاني المهمة في الرحلة الذاتية وبناء معاني قوية لتحقيق الأهداف بناء على اتساق داخلي عميق
هذا التدريب جزء من دبلومة تحقيق الذات

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Working hours

Monday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Tuesday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Wednesday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Thursday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm