Transformational Coaching

Lubna Alsharif
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Course Description:

Whether you think of yourself more as a Coach or as a Leader, or a therapist or modeler, the focus of this training is on understanding change, distinguishing kinds, levels, and dimensions of change, and then on the NLP and Neuro-Semantic models that enable and enrich our ability to facilitate transformative change in the lives of individuals and organizations.
To achieve this we will use four models from Neuro-Semantics:

  1. Axis of Change Model
  2. The Meta-States Model
  3. The Matrix Model
  4. The Self-Actualization Quadrants
  5. The Crucible

The Phenomenon of Change

Change and being a Change Agent:
– Principles of Change
– Mechanisms of Change
– Models for the Structure of Change
– Coach as a Change Agent

The Mechanisms of Change

Axes of Change:
– Motivation
– Decision
– Creativity
– Integration

Crucible of Change:
– Safety – Unconditional SE
– Witness/ Awareness
– Acceptance
– Truth – Speak / Say it
– Respond / Act
– Value – Appreciation
– The Axes of Change Model

Four Mechanisms for the Axis of Change

Readiness Loop:
– Motivation —Energy/ Emotion
– Decision — Commitment
— Coaching for Readiness
— Completion Loop
– Creation — Invention/ Innovation
– Integration – Embodiment

Who will benefit from this Workshop:

This training is designed primarily for change agents—coaches, leaders, therapists, etc.

  1. Coaches facilitate change with clients at three levels that lead to performance coaching, developmental coaching, and transformational coaching.
  2. Leaders facilitate change as they foresee and pioneer a future, set visionary frames of inspirational meaning, and then facilitate semantic change, cultural change, and organizational change.
  3. Therapists, hypno-therapists and others facilitate change by identifying dysfunctional patterns that interfere with a person’s growth, full development, and best performances.
  4. Modelers facilitate structural change by identifying the structure of an experience in order to recognize the systemic processes that make the experience what it is. This then opens the way for streamlining the pattern, refining it, and recombining it with other patterns.


 Your Certificate will be recognized by the International Society of Neuro-Semantics***
To know more about Neuro-Semantics, you may check our website:


  • 26 Hours of Intense Practice & Training
  • 45 page Course Manual in English.
  • Your Certificate approved by the International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS).
  • Lunch & Coffee Breaks.
  • Ongoing feedback and support
  • Connecting with world-class Coaches that are attending the event

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Working hours

Monday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Tuesday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Wednesday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Thursday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm