Self- Leadership APG

With no prior experience, you will have the opportunity to walk through hands-on examples with Hadoop and Spark frameworks, two ... Show more
Lubna Alsharif
34 Students enrolled
5 reviews
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Course Description

Accessing Personal Genius/ Self- Leadership Training (Coaching Genius). Self-Leadership is one of the most profound training’s in the field of performance development and coaching. It is based on the latest development in cognitive-behavioral psychology, the Meta-States model.During this training, you will learn and experience how to implement the Meta-States model in various aspects to maximize your performance and increase your efficiency.


You will receive your Certification Through the International Society of Neuro-Semantics
Upon successful completion of this training & the assessment, you will be certified from the International Society of Neuro-Semantics
***To know more about Neuro-Semantics, you may check our website:

Some of the direct outcomes of this training:

  • Achieve laser sharp concentration during whatever task you’re doing
  • Maintain strong intention to drive your energy towards your goals
  • Eliminate the inhibitory effect that result from “bad relationship” with your emotions
  • Reclaim ownership of your four basic powers: thinking, feeling, speaking & behaving which leads you to control your responses
  • Become a proactive person and close the knowing-doing gap
  • Blow out of all the “excuses” that stand in front of your achievements
  • Increase your creativity and generate out of the box solutions at will
  • Get rid of the hindering beliefs that prevent you from taking actions
  • Restructure you entire thinking/acting style to unleash your untapped resources

Who should attend?

  • HR Generalists, Executives and professionals committed to helping individuals and teams function and thrive effectively.
  • Executives, Leaders & Managers wanting to learn how to communicate with (listen and support) and influence (understand and question) their employees to help them reach targets, achieve budget, overcome obstacles, and exceed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as they move to build a coaching corporate culture of self-actualising Managers and Leaders.
  • Experienced coaches wanting to up-weight their core essential coaching and communications skills.
  • New coaches wanting an introduction to coaching.
  • New coaches wanting to take the fast track to becoming an Associate Certified Meta-Coach (ACMC).
  • Experienced NLP Practitioners wanting to refresh and learn how to coach with NLP and Neuro- Semantics.
  • Coaches focused on performance coaching


  • 35 Hours of Intense Practice & Training.
  • 100- page Course Manual in English.
  • Your Certificate approved by the International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS).
  • Lunch & Coffee Breaks.
  • Ongoing feedback and support.
  • Connecting with world-class Coaches that are attending the event

معلومات عن الدورة :

– هل تبحث عن تدريب ينقلك من حيز التفكير إلى حيز التنفيذ؟
– هل تواجه صعوبات في الالتزام بما تود تحقيقه؟
– هل ترغب في تطوير نفسك على المستويين الشخصي والمهني؟
– هل ترغب في تطوير مهاراتك القيادية في كافة نواحي الحياة …العائلية، الاجتماعية، المهنية؟
– هل ترغب في تحقيق المزيد من النتائج في حياتك بشكل هادف؟
– هل تحب أن تعرف كيف؟
إن كنت قد أجبت بـ “نعم” على أي من تلك الأسئلة، الفرصة أمامك الآن لاكتشاف المزيد. انضم لهذا التدريب الفريد من نوعه والمطبق دولياً في أكثر من 50 دولة حول العالم تحت عنوان “تحقيق الذات في الحياة اليومية”.

خلال السبعة أيام التدريبية ستتعلم كيفية القيام بـ:

تحديد أطر التفكير الداخلية المعيقة لللأداء والسلوكيات الناتجة عنها و تغيرها.
التفكير في كيفية تحسين طرق الاستجابة للأشخاص و الأحداث و المؤثرات الخارجية على حالة.
استخدام طاقة المشاعر الإيجابية والسلبية بشكل مفيد لتعزيز السلوكيات وتحسين الأداء.
التواصل مع أعظم قوة داخلية لديك- عقلك- لخلق قصة نجاحك الشخصية بتحقيق النتائج التي ترغب بها.
التخلص من كافة الأعذار لعدم تحقيق نجاح في العمل- غياب الثقة، عدم الأمان المادي، الخوف من الإخفاق، أو عدم معرفة ما تريده.
تحقيق نتائج استثنائية من خلال التفكير والعمل بمنهجية.

5 reviews
Stars 5
Stars 4
Stars 3
Stars 2
Stars 1

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Course details
Duration 10 hours
Lectures 4
Video 9 hours
Quizzes 1
Level Advanced


Working hours

Monday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Tuesday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Wednesday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Thursday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm