Lubna Alsharif
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The RESOLVE coaching system was developed by ICI (International Coaching Institutes) Master Trainer Richard Bolstad and is designed to deliver beginning coaching skills to business executives and personal life coaches.

Why use RESOLVE? * Used in Challenges: Bosnia, Chechnya, Japan Tsunami * Speed of training * Research base * Overview of Coaching * Identifiable in spiritual teacher’s work

The RESOLVE model itself: a 7 step coaching framework.

It focuses on teaching simple systems for delivering core coaching skills.

– Professional ethics and contracting. – Goal-setting methodology based on Psychologist Richard Wiseman’s research into goal success. – Rapport skills, listening and questioning skills to help clients create their own best solutions and plans.

– State management skills to help clients get into the most useful emotional state for each task. – Alignment processes to help clients align their action with their core values for more power. – Techniques for resolving traumatic responses and responding resiliently to setbacks. – Setting clients tasks to do in their actual life, taking coaching out of the coaching room.

“If you ever asked “Where’s the research for NLP”, you have to read Richard Bolstad’s book RESOLVE.” – NLP Trainer Michael Hall

“RESOLVE is a book that will leave you with a broader and deeper knowledge of NLP and therapy whether you are already familiar with the field or not. Although it is not written as an introduction to NLP, it is a good one in its own right.” From the Introduction to Richard’s book RESOLVE by NLP Trainer Joseph O’Connor

Who will benefit from attending this training:

* Coaches to be, therapists, teachers * People who want to transform their communication inside out *People who want to shift their inner perspective and overcome inner conflict * People who want to get more inner alignment toward their goals *People who want to overcome trauma

أهلا بكم في برنامج تدريب RESOLVE Coaching

البرنامج مصمم خصيصا لكي تتمكن من : ١. معرفة كيف تدير جلسة الCoaching 2. المهارات الاساسية للCoach المحترف 3. الفرق بين المهن المساعدة الخمس ( التدريب، العلاج، الcoaching، الارشاد والتوجيه، الاستشارة) 4. تقنيات لمساعدة المستفيد من الجلسة 5. كيف تنهي الجلسة 6. التشوشات الادراكية المعرفية 7. قواعد التواصل الفعال

بالاضافة الى الكثير من المعلومات الهامة لمن يرغب في بدء مساره المهني المحترف في الCoaching

لمن هذا التدريب: – مفيد للعاملين في مجال العلاج/ الثيرابي/ العاملين في مجالات الدعم الانساني – لمن يرغب في اكتساب مهارات تواصل قوية لدعم علاقاته في مجال العمل او الاسرة – لمن يعمل في مجموعات الدعم ( ما بعد الطلاق/ الاصابات/ الاحداث المؤلمة)

المواعيد: السبت لغاية الخميس من ٢٢ -٢٧ فبراير يوميا من الساعه ٥:٣٠- ١٠:٠٠ مساء

* الشهادة معتمدة من د. ريتشارد بولستاد*

Warning: Use of undefined constant STM_LMS_PRO_VERSION - assumed 'STM_LMS_PRO_VERSION' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/laurust1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/masterstudy-lms-learning-management-system/_core/stm-lms-templates/components/course/complete.php on line 36


Working hours

Monday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Tuesday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Wednesday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Thursday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm


Lubna Alsharif
0 reviews
  • Description
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  • Reviews

The RESOLVE coaching system was developed by ICI (International Coaching Institutes) Master Trainer Richard Bolstad and is designed to deliver beginning coaching skills to business executives and personal life coaches.

Why use RESOLVE? * Used in Challenges: Bosnia, Chechnya, Japan Tsunami * Speed of training * Research base * Overview of Coaching * Identifiable in spiritual teacher’s work

The RESOLVE model itself: a 7 step coaching framework.

It focuses on teaching simple systems for delivering core coaching skills.

– Professional ethics and contracting. – Goal-setting methodology based on Psychologist Richard Wiseman’s research into goal success. – Rapport skills, listening and questioning skills to help clients create their own best solutions and plans.

– State management skills to help clients get into the most useful emotional state for each task. – Alignment processes to help clients align their action with their core values for more power. – Techniques for resolving traumatic responses and responding resiliently to setbacks. – Setting clients tasks to do in their actual life, taking coaching out of the coaching room.

“If you ever asked “Where’s the research for NLP”, you have to read Richard Bolstad’s book RESOLVE.” – NLP Trainer Michael Hall

“RESOLVE is a book that will leave you with a broader and deeper knowledge of NLP and therapy whether you are already familiar with the field or not. Although it is not written as an introduction to NLP, it is a good one in its own right.” From the Introduction to Richard’s book RESOLVE by NLP Trainer Joseph O’Connor

Who will benefit from attending this training:

* Coaches to be, therapists, teachers * People who want to transform their communication inside out *People who want to shift their inner perspective and overcome inner conflict * People who want to get more inner alignment toward their goals *People who want to overcome trauma

أهلا بكم في برنامج تدريب RESOLVE Coaching

البرنامج مصمم خصيصا لكي تتمكن من : ١. معرفة كيف تدير جلسة الCoaching 2. المهارات الاساسية للCoach المحترف 3. الفرق بين المهن المساعدة الخمس ( التدريب، العلاج، الcoaching، الارشاد والتوجيه، الاستشارة) 4. تقنيات لمساعدة المستفيد من الجلسة 5. كيف تنهي الجلسة 6. التشوشات الادراكية المعرفية 7. قواعد التواصل الفعال

بالاضافة الى الكثير من المعلومات الهامة لمن يرغب في بدء مساره المهني المحترف في الCoaching

لمن هذا التدريب: – مفيد للعاملين في مجال العلاج/ الثيرابي/ العاملين في مجالات الدعم الانساني – لمن يرغب في اكتساب مهارات تواصل قوية لدعم علاقاته في مجال العمل او الاسرة – لمن يعمل في مجموعات الدعم ( ما بعد الطلاق/ الاصابات/ الاحداث المؤلمة)

المواعيد: السبت لغاية الخميس من ٢٢ -٢٧ فبراير يوميا من الساعه ٥:٣٠- ١٠:٠٠ مساء

* الشهادة معتمدة من د. ريتشارد بولستاد*

Warning: Use of undefined constant STM_LMS_PRO_VERSION - assumed 'STM_LMS_PRO_VERSION' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/laurust1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/masterstudy-lms-learning-management-system/_core/stm-lms-templates/components/course/complete.php on line 36


Working hours

Monday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Tuesday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Wednesday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Thursday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday 1:00 pm - 8.00 pm